Founded in 2017 by Antonio D’Elia and Claudio Guarini, the Albero della Vita ecovillage is a vibrant community that has quickly transformed dreams into solid projects, daring to combine communal experience with the challenges of self-sufficiency across various fields.
Watching the community members work intensively all day, engaging in learning new crafts while tapping into ancient knowledge, where each can express their talents and aspirations, makes Albero della Vita one of the richest realities of diversified activities we encounter on our journey: from vegetable gardens to animal husbandry, from carpentry to preserves production, from clay processing to felting with wool…
But Albero della Vita is not just an ecovillage: it’s also a farm stay, a homeschooling community, an educational farm, and the headquarters of the Transpersonal Counseling School, which helps establish the common ground upon which the community thrives.
The ecovillage spans over 50 hectares of land, housing three residential structures, one of which is undergoing renovation, accommodating 8 out of the 12 families that make up the community. Currently, there are 35 community members, including adults and children.
To contact Albero della Vita:
Website: Albero della vita
Facebook: Albero della Vita – Semina ciò che Sei
Email: info@alberodellavita.info