L'Alluce Verde

Alluce Verde (Green Toe) Odv is an association founded in 2013 in Monzuno (BO) that promotes outdoor and inclusive lifestyles, environmental sustainability, and the sharing of art, music, and culture, as well as manual activities, with attention also to social aspects.
The association uses two structures that were part of an agricultural company, recently rebuilt using eco-friendly materials (wood and straw), equipped with photovoltaic panels and energy storage batteries.
We are located at the top of a hill at 460 meters above sea level, near Selve, Monzuno (BO), surrounded by forests primarily of chestnut and oak trees.
The location offers a 360-degree view of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and is 35 km from Bologna, along the Via degli Dei. The nearest train station is Vado-Monzuno, about 8 km away and connected to Monzuno by bus.
The association can host events, scout camps, workshops, and retreats, including residential ones, provided they align with its principles. It offers the two aforementioned structures (separate but close, about 20 meters apart). Additionally, tent spaces are available.
The main structure is equipped with a hall, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, and 3 bedrooms, totaling 23 beds.
The secondary structure has 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, providing a total of 12 beds.
Therefore, a maximum of 35 people are allowed.
Associazione di Volontariato L’Alluce Verde OdV
Ca’ di Zagnano 162 – 40036 Monzuno (Bo) – CF: 91357440378
Mail: ass.alluceverde@gmail.com